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Policy Design and Evaluation Lab Policy Design and Evaluation Lab

Computer Games to Improve Behavioral Regulation in FASD-affected Children 

Researchers: Christina Chambers (UC San Diego), Claire Coles (Emory University), Lyubov Yevtushok (Rivne Diagnostic Center, Ukraine), and Natalya Zymak-Zakutnya (Khmelnytski Regional Perinatal Center, Ukraine)
Location: Ukraine

Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the leading known cause of developmental disabilities in children throughout the world. Children who are affected by alcohol are diagnosed as having Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), which includes learning and behavior problems that can interfere with adaptive function throughout life.

The research team developed a treatment for children with FASD-related impairments that was demonstrated to be effective for children in the age range of 5–10 years in a pilot study in the United States. This novel intervention, known as “GoFAR,” is based on the use of a computer game in which the child learns meta-cognitive strategies for self-regulation that can be applied in everyday life.The intervention reduces the amount of behavioral disregulation, and the effects have been shown to persist for at least a six-month follow-up period.

PDEL funded work to adapt the GoFAR technology for application in Ukraine by revamping the current software for use on a tablet or iPad along with translation of content into Ukrainian.


The software was be tested in a sample of 20 children in Ukraine with a confirmed diagnosis of FASD, who are part of a longitudinal study on FASD-affected children currently implemented by the research team.