- djmoore@ucsd.edu
Department of Psychiatry
UC San Diego
Dr. David Moore is an associate professor in residence in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego and a faculty member of the SDSU/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. He received his PhD in clinical psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology jointly from San Diego State University and UC San Diego.
Moore's research focuses on the neuropsychological and everyday functioning difficulties of individuals with HIV infection. One of his research foci is the neurocognitive complication associated with HIV infection and other comorbid disorders (e.g., psychiatric and substance use disorders) and how neurocognitive difficulties relate to everyday functioning. In addition, he is interested in the intersection of HIV and aging, and in identifying factors associated with successfully aging with HIV infection. Much of his recent work has focused on developing innovative, personalized, scalable text messaging interventions to improve antiretroviral medication adherence.
Henry, B. L., and D. Moore. 2016. Preliminary Findings Describing Participant Experience With iSTEP, an mHealth Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Neurocognitive Function in People Living With HIV. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 27 (4):495–511. PMID: 26847379; PMCID: PMC49038.
Henry, B. L., E. Quintana, D. J. Moore, J. Garcia, and J. L. Montoya. 2019. "Focus Groups Inform a Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Engagement in Physical Activity among People Living with HIV." BMC Public Health 19 (1): 101. PMID: 30669986.
Hoenigl, M., E. Morgan, D. Franklin, P. L. Anderson, E. Pasipanodya, M. Dawson, M. Hanashiro, E. E. Ellorin, J. Blumenthal, R. Heaton, D. J. Moore, and S. R. Morris. 2019. "Self-initiated Continuation of and Adherence to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) after Prep Demonstration Project Roll-Off in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Associations with Risky Decision Making, Impulsivity/Disinhibition, and Sensation Seeking." J Neurovirol. Jan 07. PMID: 30617849.
Montoya, J. L., B. Henry, and D. J. Moore. 2019. "Behavioral and Physical Activity Interventions for HAND." Curr Top Behav Neurosci. Jan 30. PMID: 30694458.
Montoya, J. L., D. Wing, A. Knight, D. Moore, and B. L. Henry. 2015. "Development of an mHealth Intervention (iSTEP) to Promote Physical Activity among People Living with HIV." J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 14 (6): 471–75. PMID: 26307212; PMCID: PMC4654667.
Moore D., J. L. Montoya, K. Blackstone, A. Rooney, B. Gouaux, S. Georges, C.A. Depp, J.H. Atkinson, and Tmarc Group. 2013. "Preliminary Evidence for Feasibility, Use, and Acceptability of Individualized Texting for Adherence Building for Antiretroviral Adherence and Substance Use Assessment among HIV-Infected Methamphetamine Users." AIDS Res Treat. 2013:585143. PMID: 24078868; PMCID: PMC3776360.
Moore, D., A. Poquette, K. B. Casaletto, B. Gouaux, J. L. Montoya, C. Posada, A. S. Rooney, J. Badiee, R. Deutsch, S. L. Letendre, C. A. Depp, I. Grant, and J. H. Atkinson. 2015. "Individualized Texting for Adherence Building (iTAB): Improving Antiretroviral Dose Timing among HIV-infected Persons with Co-Occurring Bipolar Disorder." AIDS Behav. 19 (3): 459–71. PMID: 25504449; PMCID: PMC4359057.
Rubin, L. H., E. E. Sundermann, and D. J. Moore. 2019. "The Current Understanding of Overlap between Characteristics of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders and Alzheimer's Disease." J Neurovirol. Jan 22. PMID: 30671777.