- sstrathdee@ucsd.edu
Department of Medicine
UC San Diego MC 0507
Steffanie A. Strathdee, PhD, is the Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences and Harold Simon Professor in the Department of Medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. She is also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University and Simon Fraser University.
Dr. Strathdee is an infectious disease epidemiologist who has spent the last two decades focusing on HIV prevention in underserved, marginalized populations in developed and developing countries, including injection drug users, men having sex with men, and sex workers. In the last decade, she has publishedmore than 550 peer-reviewed publications on HIV prevention and the natural history of HIV and related infections and the evaluation of interventions to reduce harm among substance using populations. Currently, she is engaged in a number of HIV/STI prevention projects in Mexico. Dr. Strathdee also directs the UC San Diego Global Health Institute.
Cepeda, J. A., J. L. Burgos, J. G. Kahn, R. Padilla, P. E. Meza Martinez, L. A. Segovia, T. Gaines, D. Abramovitz, G. Rangel, C. Magis-Rodriguez, P. Vickerman, S. A. Strathdee, and N. K. Martin. 2019. "Evaluating the Impact of Global Fund Withdrawal on Needle and Syringe Provision, Cost and Use among People Who Inject Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico: A Costing Analysis." BMJ Open 9 (1): e026298. PMID: 30700490.
Rafful, C., S Jain, X Sun, S. A. Strathdee, R. S. Garfein, J. Cuevas-Mota, C. Magis-Rodríguez, L. R. Smith, and D. Werb. 2018. "Identification of a Syndemic of Blood-Borne Disease Transmission and Injection Drug Use Initiation at the US-Mexico Border." J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 79 (5): 559–65. PMID: 30222661.
Schooley, R. T., B. Biswas, J. J. Gill, A. Hernandez-Morales, J. Lancaster, L. Lessor, J. J. Barr, S. L. Reed, F. Rohwer, S. Benler, A. M. Segall, R. Taplitz, D. M. Smith, K. Kerr, M. Kumaraswamy, V. Nizet, L. Lin, M. D. McCauley, S. A. Strathdee, C. A. Benson, R. K. Pope, B. M. Leroux, A. C. Picel, A. J. Mateczun, K. E. Cilwa, J. M. Regeimbal, L. A. Estrella, D. M. Wolfe , M. S. Henry, J. Quinones, S. Salka, K. A. Bishop-Lilly, R. Young, and T. Hamilton. 2017. "Development and Use of Personalized Bacteriophage-Based Therapeutic Cocktails to Treat a Patient with a Disseminated Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Infection." Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Aug 14. pii: AAC.00954-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00954-17.
Strathdee, S. A., T. B. Hallett , N. Bobrova, T. Rhodes, R. Booth, R. Abdool, and C, Hankins. 2010. "HIV and the Risk Environment among People Who Inject Drugs: Past, Present, and Projections for the Future." Lancet 376 (9737): 268–84. PMID: 20650523.
Strathdee, S. A., and C. Magis-Rodriguez C. 2008. "Mexico’s Evolving HIV Epidemic." JAMA (5): 571–73.[commentary]. PMID: 18677029. PMCID: PMC2717701.
Strathdee, S. A., and J.K. Stockman. 2010. "Epidemiology of HIV among Injecting and Non-Injecting Drug Users: Current Trends and Implications for Interventions." Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 7 (2): 99–106.
Thomson, N., M. Littlejohn, S. A. Strathdee, R. F. Southby, B. Coghlan, J. V. Rosenfeld, and A. P. Galvani. 2019. "Harnessing Synergies at the Interface of Public Health and the Security Sector." Lancet 393 (10168): 207–209. PMID: 30663581.