- ugneezy@ucsd.edu
Rady School of Management
UC San Diego MC 0553
Uri Gneezy
Uri Gneezy
- Biography
- Expertise and Interests
- Recent Publications
Uri Gneezy is professor of economics and strategic management at the Rady School of Management, UC San Diego.
As a researcher, Gneezy's focus is on putting behavioral economics to work in the real world, where theory can meet application. Topics include incentives-based interventions to increase good habits and decrease bad ones, Pay-What-You-Want pricing, and the detrimental effects of small and large incentives. In addition to the traditional laboratory and field studies, he is working with several firms, conducting experiments in which they are using basic findings from behavioral economics to help companies achieve their traditional goals in non-traditional ways.
Before joining the Rady School, Gneezy was a faculty member at the University of Chicago, Technion, and Haifa. Gneezy received his PhD from the Center for Economic Research in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Expertise and Interests
- Behavioral economics
- Business ethics
- Negotiation
- Strategy
Recent Publications
Alekseev, A., G. Charness, and U. Gneezy. 2017. Experimental Methods: When and Why Contextual Instructions Are Important. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 134:48–59.
Al-Ubaydli, O., S. Andersen, U. Gneezy, and J. A. List. 2015. "Carrots That Look Like Sticks: Toward an Understanding of Multitasking Incentive Schemes." Southern Economic Journal 81: 538–61.
Andersen, S., U. Gneezy, A. Kajackaite, and M. Julie. 2018. "Allowing for Reflection Time Does Not Change Behavior in Dictator and Cheating Games." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 24–33.
Ariely, D., U. Gneezy, and E. Haruvy. 2018. "Social Norms and the Price of Zero." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 180–91.
Bracha, A., U. Gneezy, and G. Loewenstein. 2015. Relative Pay and Labor Supply. Journal of Labor Economics 33:297–315.
Charness, G., C. Eckel, U. Gneezy, and A. Kajackaite. 2018. "Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect the Conclusions: A Demonstration Using Gender Differences." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1–17.
Charness, G., U. Gneezy, and B. Halladay. 2016. "Experimental Methods: Pay On or Pay All. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 131, 141–50.
Charness, G., U. Gneezy, and A. Henderson. 2018. "Experimental Methods: Measuring Effort in Economics Experiments." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 74–87.
Erat, S. and U. Gneezy. 2016. "Incentives for Creativity." Experimental Economics 19:269–80.
Flory, J., U. Gneezy, K. Leonard, and J. A. List. 2018. Gender, Age, and Competition: A Disappearing Gap? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 256–76.
Gneezy, U., L. Goette, C. Sprenger, and F. Zimmermann. 2017. The limits of expectations-based reference dependence. Journal of the European Economic Association.
Gneezy, U., C. Gravert, S. Saccardo, and F. Tausch. 2017. "A Must Lie Situation: Avoiding Giving Negative Feedback." Games and Economic Behavior 102:445–54.
Gneezy, U., A. Kajackaite, and J. Sobel. 2018. "Lying Aversion and the Size of the Lie." American Economic Review, 419–53.
Gneezy, U., A. Leibrandt, and J. A. List. 2016. "Ode of the Sea: Workplace Organizations and Norms of Cooperation." Economic Journal, 1856–83.
Hoffman. M., S. Suetens, U. Gneezy, and M. A. Nowark. 2015. "An Experimental Investigation of Evolutionary Dynamics in the Rock-Paper-Scissors Game." Scientific Reports.
Jung, M., L. Nelson, A. Gneezy, and U. Gneezy. 2017. "Signaling Virtue: Charitable Behavior under Consumer Elective Pricing." Marketing Science 31:187–94.
Kajackaite, A. and U. Gneezy. 2017. "Incentives and Cheating." Games and Economic Behavior 102:433–44.
Saccardo, S., U. Gneezy, and A. Pietraz. 2017. "On the Size of the Gender Difference in Competitiveness." Management Science.
Smeets, P., R. Bauer, and U. Gneezy. 2015. "Giving Behavior of Millionaires." Proceedings of the National Academies of Science 34:10641–44.